Petar Penev

Georgia Tech, IBB 1207

M.S. in Bioinformatics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA, 2016 B.S. in Molecular Biology, Sofia University "St Kliment Ohridski", Bulgaria, 2014

Research Interests: 

I am exploring the evolutionary pathways that rProteins took within the ribosome. One of my major aims is to simplify the otherwise extremely complex system of the Ribosome, to a less involved and possibly more ancient state. This will hopefully give insights for a pre-LUCA organization of life. I am interested and work on different ways of visualizing complex multidimensional data with the purpose of explaining the convoluted evolutionary history of the translational machinery.

Selected publications: 

Mestre-Fos S., Penev P.I., Suttapitugsakul S., Hu M., Ito C., Petrov A.S., Wartell R.M., Wu R., Williams L.D. "G-Quadruplexes in Human Ribosomal RNA", J. Mol. Biol. 431(10):1940-1955 (2019)

Kovacs, N.A., Penev, P.I., Venapally, A., Petrov, A.S., and Williams, L.D. "Circular Permutation Obscures Universality of a Ribosomal Protein", J. Mol. Evol. 581-592 (2018)

Bernier, C.R., Petrov, A.S., Kovacs, N.A., Penev, P.I., and Williams, L.D. "Translation: The Universal Structural Core of Life", Mol. Biol. Evol. 35, 2065–2076 (2018)